Nick Searcy
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Colton McAbee, sentenced to 70 months in prison

He tried to save a woman's life, he helped a police officer up who was being crushed. He has never been arrested for anything before in his life.

This is political persecution. They are ruining people's lives to spread fear and intimidation.

Capitol Punishment 2: The War on Truth

The Truth is Coming 1.6.24

I dearly miss Rush Limbaugh

I will never forget the day this happened.

MUZZLE, coming out soon!
February 04, 2024

Everyone needs to watch this video. Start at 13:39 if you don't have time to watch the entire video. That's where Brett Weinstein explains the Chinese camp situation. Young men of military age. No women and no children. The men didn't want to talk to him and Brett said the situation looked very suspicious. This needs to be shared everywhere and all the politicians need to see it.

Just to say hello and talk about the release of Police State

I'm going to go live today at some point

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